Architecture defining brand identity
22 Aug 2018
Earlier this month Alysia from our Melbourne studio spotted a new Devil’s Corner advertisement featuring the Cumulus Studio designed vineyard lookout.
The new marketing campaign led by the slogan “created between Devil’s Corner and the deep blue sea” features a stylised version of the lookout, peering out across a roaring ocean. The epic campaign imagery repurposes our design as some sort of lighthouse or submarine vessel, conveying the vineyard’s remote, harsh environment.
As architects, the incorporation of the lookout means one major thing – the building has become a key element of the brand’s identity.
Since the cellar door and lookout opened in 2015, the building has transcended the company’s core product and regularly attracts new customers to the vineyard for more than just wine tasting. With tourists around Australia recognising the lookout, perhaps even before the wine itself, our design has provided Devil’s Corner with a unique new channel for engaging customers.
When taking on a bold new project it is always our ambition to create something that makes a strong civic statement. In the case of Devil’s Corner, the client not only invited us to be brave in our design, but has since used it as a tool to gain new business.
The lookout now exists as a landmark and an experience that can be leveraged with marketing. In our experience, this is an opportunity rarely considered when seeking architectural services.
While architecture is commonly used to reflect a brand’s quality, competence or creativity, the advantages of brave design are significant.
With the ‘deep blue sea’ campaign now hitting bus shelters and bottle-shops around the nation it will be interesting to see if other Australian businesses begin to adopt ambitious architecture as a marketing tool.