Cumulus Studio Devils are off to Beijing!
20 May 2015
Scotch Oakburn students are currently visiting China at the invitation of Chinese President Xi Jinping after meeting with him in Tasmania late last year.
Cumulus Studio are proud to have designed the Tasmanian Devils that will be presented as gifts by the students to their new friends in China.
The Devils are produced in Tasmania using sustainably sourced Tasmanian Golden Sassafras and Blackwood timber veneers.
We hope that the students have a fantastic time in China and to look forward to seeing the good friendship between China and Tasmania continue into the future.
积云工作室(Cumulus Studio)的恶魔们出发去北京了!
自从去年在塔斯马尼亚与中国国家主席习近平会面后,斯科奇·欧克伯恩(Scotch Oakburn)的学生目前正在受习近平主席的邀请访问中国。