50/50 gender balance
6 Nov 2019
In preparing for the upcoming NAWIC Awards for Excellence, Co-Director Kylee Scott discovered some pretty encouraging Cumulus Studio employee statistics – as at November 2019, the entire Cumulus team consists of an even 50/50 gender balance! In addition to the studio-wide balance, there is also an even split amongst our 14 architects/designers, our four support staff and in the composition of each of our three offices.
Since Cumulus Studio’s inception in 2011, Kylee and her fellow Directors have maintained a strong focus on implementing gender equality, work/life balance and flexible work arrangements, however the precise 50/50 numbers have come as a welcome surprise and are something we can be extremely proud of.
Our approach to recruitment has always been to hire the best candidate for the position and we hope to maintain an even balance as our company grows.
With the 2019 NAWIC Tasmanian Awards for Excellence presentation ceremony coming up this Friday we would also like to take an opportunity to wish this year’s entrants the best of luck.
The National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC) is a not-for-profit organisation that seeks to promote and improve the construction industry through the advancement of women. This Friday’s Awards for Excellence will celebrate the many outstanding achievements of individuals and organisations in the Tasmanian construction industry this year.